Waterloo Pond MK Genevieve
3*M (AR Pending)
DOB : 01/24/2019
Sire: Lady Walkers Mercurial Knight
SS: Rosasharn SP Mercury ++*B LA: EEE92
SD: Chenango-Hills PV Chevaliere LA: VVVV86
Dam: Waterloo Pond T Abilene 2*M AR
DS: Proctor Hill Farm Troubadour *VEE90
DD: SGCH Waterloo Pond's Bo's Boca Grande 1*M AE LA: VVEV88
We are delighted to have Waterloo Pond MK Genevieve 3*M (fondly known as Vivi) join our herd. She instantly grabbed my attention as I saw photos of her udder, read the info on her milk testing, and also her ability to deliver quads without any assistance (something that’s important for us in our Does and quality we hope is passed down to future generations). Vivi also comes from a great line of very impressive genetics. She did a wonderful job at raising her babies, nursing them all, and having some milk on the side. When we picked her up from Willow Pond Farm she came home and just fit in with our herd. She is very nurturing and has a lovely disposition. Vivi is a dream on the milk stand, gives lovely long streams of milk. Her udder is beautiful with long wide teats for easy milking. She has been getting great milk scores with wonderful Butterfat %. We are happy she is AR Pending (has met the requirements, we are just waiting on the official documents) When you see Genevieve you will see her beautiful long body, straight back and also lovely dairy features. Diane, her previous owner at Waterloo Pond Farm, has worked so hard to bring the most amazing Goats. We are going to take great care of her, and I cannot wait for you to meet her and to see her future generations. More photos coming soon.
Vivi’s Udder as as 2F. This is taken 5 months after kidding.
Nice, long wide teats
2019 Vivi at State Fair, 1t in class, part 1st Place JR Trio. (Photo courtesy of Waterloo Pond)
Sire: Lady Walkers Mercurial Knight (photo’s courtesy of Willow Pond Farm)
Dam: Waterloo Pond T Abilene 2*M AR
Dam: (Udder from) Waterloo Pond T Abilene 2*M AR